South Atascadero, Atascadero, CA
About this station
Micky Hedger and Ponywagon Weather is an official WRN Ambassador and is also a Weather Spotter with the NOAA's National Weather Service, and in conjunction with SKYWARN.
This weather station is provided by Ponywagon Computers, who are weather enthusiasts, not weather meteorologists in any regard.
This weather station would not be possible without the many local sponsors and supporters who helped purchase it. A list of these sponsors can be seen at Ponywagon Weather Station Sponsors.
The weather station is a Davis ProVantage 2 Plus and is located in South Atascadero, CA.
The weather station feeds its data to, Weather Underground and CWOP (who then forwards it to over 800 public and private organizations, including the National Weather Service). A list can be found at CWOP.